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  4. Origami how to: Make a taxi with just one Post-it® Note
Origami how to: Make a taxi with just one Post-it® Note

Origami how to: Make a taxi with just one Post-it® Note

Use Post-it® Notes to create an origami taxi with this fun idea from Jenny W. Chan

  • Step-by-step directions

  • What you’ll need:

    1 – 3" x 3" Post-it® Super Sticky Note marker or pen to draw in features of the taxi

  • Fold. Unfold. Fold. Unfold . . .



    1. With the adhesive facing out, fold the Post-it® Super Sticky Note in half diagonally to form a triangle. Unfold it back out into a square, and then fold it in half diagonally the other way. Unfold it again, and now you should see 2 creases that form an X.
    2. The adhesive side should still be facing out. Fold the bottom right corner of the Post-it® Super Sticky Note up to meet the center where the lines intersect. Then repeat the same thing with the top left corner.
    3. Unfold the two folds you just made. Then fold the bottom corner up so the tip of it touches the first horizontal crease at the top. Unfold the bottom corner. Then rotate the Post-it® Super Sticky Note and align the bottom tip again with the first horizontal crease at the top.
    4. Unfold it again. Now you should have five lines that run parallel to each other and a sixth line that’s perpendicular.


  • First it’ll look like a diamond

    1. Fold the unit in half along the perpendicular line so that the adhesive side is now facing the inside.
    2. Now you should see five vertical creases on your triangle. Fold the right corner of the triangle down so that the tip meets the bottom of the second vertical line. Then repeat the same thing on the left side.
    3. Unfold the two flaps you just made. Then turn the Post-it® Super Sticky Note to the side, start to open it up and push inward on the two creases you just made in the last step. Push inward toward the center until it forms a square shape and then flatten it. Then repeat this step on the left side. Now your Post-it® Super Sticky Note should look a little like a diamond shape with a flat top.
  • Now make the roof and toplight

    1. Take one of the bottom corners and fold it up as far as it allows. Rotate the unit and repeat the same thing on the other side.
    2. Now take one of these top flaps you just created and fold it down so it forms a crease slightly below the flat top.
    3. Now the top of your unit should have three flaps: front, middle and back. Hold the top of the front flap and fold it down, so the top of the flap meets the two pointy corners at the bottom of the unit.
    4. Now flip the unit around and push that front flap into the opening in the center of the unit. Use the crease that’s already there and push the flap all the way in. Once you do that, you should have a triangle facing you and pointing down. Turn it around so the triangle points up with two smaller triangles sticking out at the bottom.
    5. Next take the right edge of the top triangle and fold it down just a bit. You should be folding down just a very small edge of the paper. Repeat the same thing left edge of that triangle.
    6. Next take the tip at the top and fold it down slightly.
  • Now for the tires, you’re almost done!

    1. Take one of the bottom corners and fold it up as far as it allows. Rotate the unit and repeat the same thing on the other side.
    2. Now take one of these top flaps you just created and fold it down so it forms a crease slightly below the flat top.
    3. Now the top of your unit should have three flaps: front, middle and back. Hold the top of the front flap and fold it down, so the top of the flap meets the two pointy corners at the bottom of the unit.

creativity origami jenny_w_chan super_sticky_notes