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  4. Basic Facts Relay
Two different coloured Post-it® Super Sticky Notes. One Post-it® Super Sticky Note has a math problem on it and the other has the solution.

Basic Facts Relay

Grade Four - Mathematics 


Basic mathematical fact practice can often be boring and monotonous. However, this activity’s purpose is to get students moving and allow them to practise their basic facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) in an engaging way. Students interact and collaborate with their team in order to solve mental math equations with speed and precision. 



    1. Hand out two different colours of Post-it® Super Sticky Notes to each student. 
    Two different coloured Post-it® Super Sticky Notes. One Post-it® Super Sticky Note has a math problem on it and the other has the solution.
    1. Ask students to write an addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division problem on one coloured Post-it® Super Sticky Note and corresponding answer on the other (students can check their answers if required). 
    2. On opposite walls from each other, or on two vertical surfaces, hang two Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pad pages; one labeled problem and the other labeled solution. 
    A Post-it® Super Sticky Mini Easel Pad paper labelled “problem” with math problems written on attached Post-it® Super Sticky Notes.A Post-it® Super Sticky Mini Easel Pad paper  labelled “solution” with math solutions written on attached Post-it® Super Sticky Notes.
    1. Divide students up into teams and have them put their Post-it® Super Sticky Notes with problems and solutions onto the corresponding Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pad pages. 
    2. Have students stand by their Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pad page labeled questions. 
    3. The first student to race chooses a basic fact problem. 
    4. The student will run to the other side of the space where the solution Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pad page is hung and match their Post-it® Super Sticky Note with the correct solution. 
    Post-it® Super Sticky Note with a math problem held next to a Post-it® Super Sticky Mini Easel Pad paper with math solutionsA Post-it® Super Sticky Note with a math problem paired next to a Post-it® Super Sticky Note with the related solution.
    1. Once the student has returned to their group the next team member may proceed to choose a new question. 
    2. Students follow the same procedure until all of the mathematical facts have been matched up. 
    Math problems and solutions written on Post-it® Super Sticky Notes paired together.
    1. Capture the Post-it® Super Sticky Notes with the Post-it® App. 
    A tablet with the Post-it® App taking a picture of the math problems and solutions written on Post-it® Super Sticky Notes paired together.
  1. Export the captures as either a PowerPoint® presentation, Excel® spreadsheet, or a Post-it® App Board to use for formative assessment. 
Extension: Students can switch groups or rotate to a new Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pad set up to review different sets of basic facts. 
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