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  4. Likert Scale Visual Debate
Post-it® Super Sticky Mini Easel Pad papers attached to a wall showing a Likert scale and different coloured Post-it® Super Sticky Notes attached based on student responses.

Likert Scale Visual Debate

Grade Six - Social Studies 


Use this exercise to gauge students’ responses and opinions to questions or statements in a visual and engaging way. The purpose of this activity is for students to see other’s differing viewpoints and spark classroom discussions or debates.  




    1. Set up 5 Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pad pages on a vertical surface in your classroom and label them, from left to right: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree. 
    Post-it® Super Sticky Mini Easel Pad papers attached to a wall.
    1. Select five different statements to share with the class about a Social Studies topic that is up for debate. 
    2. Each of the five questions will have a corresponding coloured Post-it® Super Sticky Note. 
    Question numbers written on different coloured Post-it® Super Sticky Notes.
    1. As each question is asked, students will place their corresponding coloured Post-it® Super Sticky Note on the Likert Scale to represent their agreement or disagreement with the statement. 
    Post-it® Super Sticky Mini Easel Pad papers attached to a wall showing a 	Likert scale and different coloured Post-it® Super Sticky Notes attached based on student responses.Post-it® Super Sticky Mini Easel Pad papers attached to a wall showing a Likert scale and different coloured Post-it® Super Sticky Notes attached based on student responses.Post-it® Super Sticky Mini Easel Pad papers attached to a wall showing a Likert scale and different coloured Post-it® Super Sticky Notes attached based on student responses.
    1. Have students discuss each statement after seeing the results and use skills of informal debate to persuasively express differing viewpoints regarding the issue. 
    2. Capture the Post-it® Super Sticky Notes with the Post-it® App. 
    A tablet with the Post-it® App taking pictures of the Post-it® Super Sticky Notes on the Post-it® Super Sticky Mini Easel Pad paper.
    1. Export the captures using Trello® to have online students participate in the voting. 
    An export of the Likert Scale using the Post-it® App.
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