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  4. See, Think, Wonder
Post-it® Super Sticky Notes and a marker on top of a Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pad.

See, Think, Wonder

By using a see-think-wonder anchor chart at the start of a lesson, students are called on to engage more deeply with visuals connected to the lesson learning goal(s). Students will also begin to think more critically about the visuals and concepts presented during the lesson because they have made observations and created questions that they or the teacher can try to answer during the lesson. Additionally, the see-think-wonder anchor chart provides the teacher with a better understanding of what prior knowledge students are coming into the lesson with and where they still need a little support. 


  • Post-it® Super Sticky Notes and a marker on top of a Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pad.

    Grades: 1-8 

    Subject: Literacy/Media 

    Goal: To stimulate curiosity and inquiry through careful observations 

  • A landscape photo on a Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pad paper with the words “See”, “Think”, “Wonder”.
    1. Print an image that is engaging, interesting, and connected to your students’ current unit of study.  
    2. Paste the photo on a sheet from the Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pad 
  • Post-it® Super Sticky Notes with statements of what students see, think and wonder.
    1. Hand out three different colours of Post-it® Super Sticky Notes to your students.  
    2. Each Post-it® Super Sticky Note colour will require students to perform a different task.  

       a. On pink Post-it® Super Sticky Notes, students will write down what they see 

       b. On yellow Post-it® Super Sticky Notes, students will write what they think 

       c. On green Post-it® Super Sticky Notes, students will write down what they wonder  

  • A landscape photo on a Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pad paper surrounded by Post-it® Super Sticky Notes with statements of what students see, think and wonder.
    1. Once completed, place the Post-it® Super Sticky Notes around the image and allow students to share their analysis and critical thinking about the image. 

    Creating a see-think-wonder anchor chart is a great alternative to jumping right into a lesson because it allows the teacher the opportunity to gauge students’ understanding of a concept prior to beginning a lesson. It also gives students the opportunity to get excited about what the upcoming lesson will focus on.  

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