Yes. 3M has conducted recycling trials on Post-it® Notes at recycled paper mills. The adhesive on the paper does not interfere with paper recycling because the adhesive is substantially removed in the paper deinking process. The dyes in the paper are removed in the deinking process.
There are many colors and sizes of Post-it® Notes available with paper containing at least 30% postconsumer recycled content. In addition, 3M offers 100% recycled content notes in canary yellow and assorted pastel colors. The 100% recycled content notes contains 70% preconsumer and 30% postconsumer fiber. Post-it® Easel Pads are also available with 30% postconsumer content paper.
There is a limited supply of recycled fiber from which new paper can be made. Even with maximum recycling, paper mills would not be able to sustain making paper with only recycled content. In fact, it has been estimated that if all printing and writing paper was made with recycled content, the maximum sustainable level would be less than 10% postconsumer content.
Recycling is an important strategy for diverting waste from overcrowded landfills. The collected paper is used as a raw material for making recycled paper, boxes, and tissue products. Recycling also protects forests by reducing the need for virgin fiber. But recycling means more than just collecting recyclable items. The three elements of recycling include the collection of waste, the manufacture of new products from recycled material and the purchase of these items. By purchasing recycled content products you help strengthen the market for those products, encourage new technologies and create more stable markets for the sale of materials separated from recycling. When you purchase recycled paper products, you're doing your part for the environment.
Yes. The quality of Post-it® Recycled Notes is the same as our standard Post-it® Notes.
Since 1975, 3M's Pollution Prevention Pays, or 3P program, has prevented the generation of over 2.7 billion pounds of pollution. Since 1990, 3M has cut volatile organic air emissions by 95% and greenhouse gas emissions by 62%. In addition, 3M has been working to minimize waste through prevention, reuse, and recycling at its operations since the 1970s. In 2008, 3M recycled or reused 20 times more waste than it treated, disposed of in a landfill, or sent to a waste-to-energy facility.
Preconsumer waste, also known as post industrial waste, is generally thought of as material diverted from the waste stream during a manufacturing process. This does not include the reutilization of materials such as rework, regrind or scrap generated in a process and is capable of being reclaimed in the same process that generated it. Postconsumer waste is generally thought of as waste paper generated at the home or in the office after it has served its intended use. For example, newspapers that are recycled after they have been read are considered to be postconsumer waste.
Recycled products must contain at least some materials that have been recovered or diverted from the solid waste stream either during the manufacturing process (preconsumer) and/or after consumer use (postconsumer). Recyclable means that the product can be collected, separated or otherwise recovered from the solid waste stream for reuse or the manufacture or assembly of another product or package through an established recycling program. Having recycled content does not necessarily mean the product is recyclable, although many paper products can be recycled through established recycling programs. Post-it® Notes and Post-it® Super Sticky Notes are recyclable.
This symbol is called the Mobius Loop. It is a recycling symbol in the shape of three chasing arrows forming a triangle, and means that the product or packaging is manufactured using recycled materials, or that the product or packaging is recyclable, or to indicate the type of plastic used in the package. Information is often put in or around the Mobius Loop to show how much recycled content is present or what part of the package or product is recyclable.
A sustainable product is one that is produced, used and disposed of without depleting the earth's resources or damaging the environment. Attributes of sustainable products include the responsible use of renewable resources, minimizing transportation to conserve fossil fuel, responsible manufacturing to reduce pollution, and recyclability of the product. The major component of Post-it® Notes and Post-it® Easel products is paper and paper is a renewable resource. The paper used to make Post-it® Notes and Post-it® Easel products is subject to 3M’s Pulp and Paper Sourcing Policy. Pursuant to that Policy, 3M applies due diligence to our paper supply chains to promote sustainable forestry. Finally, the products are recyclable using home and office waste streams.
Chain of custody paper comes from a well managed forest where all the trees are regrown after harvesting. Illegal logging is prohibited and old growth forest is protected from logging. Chain of Custody (CoC) is an externally audited system. It is a step-by-step accounting of the channel through which forest products are distributed from their forest of origin, through all production steps, to the final end product. It is used to trace and verify the origin and the percentage of certified wood fiber used in the final product.
3M is committed to sustainable forest management and the conservation of natural resources. 3M recognizes its responsibility to source paper products from suppliers that share these goals and are committed to providing products from sustainably managed forests. You can learn more about 3M Sustainability including the Pulp and Paper Sourcing Policy at:
Sustainable forest management is managing forest lands to meet the social, economic, ecological and cultural needs of present and future generations. This means that trees are harvested responsibly, are replanted or allowed to regrow naturally, and local communities, animal habitat and water resources are protected so that the forests can survive, and thrive for generations to come.
Call the Stationery and Office Supplies Division Information Line at 1-800-395-1223 for additional information about Post-it® Notes. Hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time.
The Post-it® Digital Notes software is compatible with The Post-it® Digital Notes software is compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 operating systems (32 and 64-bit versions).
You can download the latest updates from our update page:
Please note, if you are a Post-it® Software Notes version 3.1 (or earlier) or a Post-it® Digital Notes version 4.1 (or earlier) user, this is not a free upgrade. This new version will provide you with a 30-day free trial. After the 30-day trial period, you will be required to purchase the product.
Yes, you may install the Trial version on as many computers as you please. The trial version will run for thirty (30) days. After the thirty (30) day trial period, each computer that the Post-it® Digital Notes software is installed on will need to be purchased in order to continue using the software. Post-it® Digital Notes can be purchased by following this link
Yes, click on the Desktop Dispenser button and choose Tools. On the pop-up menu, choose Preferences... Then choose the Miscellaneous tab and look for the Notepad Display section. If you choose Taskbar notification area only it will hide the Desktop Dispenser.
Click on the Desktop Dispenser button and choose Tools. On the pop-up menu, choose Preferences... Then from the General tab uncheck the Show 'About Post-it Digital Notes' picture during startup checkbox.
Remove the Post-it® Digital Notes shortcut from your StartUp folder. Click the Start button on the Taskbar. Choose Programs, then Startup. Right-click on the Post-it® Digital Notes entry. From the pop-up menu select Delete. Select Yes on the Confirm Shortcut Delete dialog. Remember that Post-it® Digital Notes will not alert you about alarms and you will not receive Subscription Notes if the application is not running.
Notes and memoboards are stored in the file PDNDB. It is recommended that if you store important information in your notes, you should include PDNDB in your routine system backups.
Windows XP:
This file is located at C:\Documents and Settings\
Windows Vista:
This file is located at C:\Users\
Yes. Click on the Desktop Dispenser button and choose Tools. (Alternatively, you can right-click on the yellow note icon in the taskbar and choose Tools.) On the pop-up menu, choose Preferences... Then click on the Default Note Settings tab. In the box marked Post-it® Digital Note Settings, you may set the font face, font size and note color of new notes.
Also, default note settings can be changed by using note templates. Create a note template with the font and settings you would like, then set that template to be the default note for dispensing. For more information on creating a note template, please view the program help under "Templates".
There are three ways to clean up your desktop of notes: 1) you can Minimize your notes, 2) Hide your notes or 3) move them to a Memoboard.
Minimize a note by double-clicking the Note button at the top left corner of the note. You can also select the Minimize option from the Note toolbar. Click the note button at the top left corner of the note to display the Note toolbar. Next select the Note tab and select the Minimize Note button. The note can be restored by double-clicking the minimized note. Optionally, the minimized note can be restored by right-clicking on the minimized note and selecting Restore from the pop-up menu.
Hide all of your notes in one command by selecting the Hide All Desktop Notes option from the Tools button on the Desktop Dispenser menu. The notes can be restored either by clicking on the Desktop Dispenser icon (as if for a new note) or by selecting Restore Desktop Notes from the Tools button on the Desktop Dispenser menu.
Alternatively, you can keep your notes in Memoboards and display them whenever you want.
Make sure you have Play sounds checked in your Preferences, on the Miscellaneous tab. You get to your Preferences by selecting the Tools button on the Desktop Dispenser menu. If this checkbox is not enabled, then your computer is not currently set up to play sounds. You may need to install a sound card or enable sounds on your system.
Make sure you have a .wav file assigned to actions in the Windows Sounds Control Panel. You can open this control panel through your operating system, or by clicking on the Select sounds button on the Miscellaneous tab on the Preferences dialog.
Double-click the move area (top area) of the note a couple of times. (The first time will size the note to fit the text, the second time will make the note about 1 line high.)
Windows XP:
First, exit the application. Then go to the Windows Add/Remove Programs section of the Control Panel. Select Post-it® Digital Notes and click the Add/Remove button.
Windows Vista and Windows 7:
First, exit the application. Then go to the Windows Programs and Features section of the Control Panel. Select Post-it® Digital Notes and click the Uninstall button.
After taking a look at the current PC market and listening to what computer users wanted from Post-it® brand software, we chose to introduce the product for the Windows® operating system at this time. We recognize the importance of the other platforms and are exploring opportunities to develop products for all of the Post-it® Note fans out there.
Yes, there are several ways to add a picture to a note:
Drag and drop a picture from another application onto a note.
Select a note and then Paste a previously copied picture from the clipboard.
Click the Add/Replace Picture button from the Note toolbar in Note Properties.
Note: Only one picture can be placed in a note, and it will always be at the top of the note.
For more information on working with pictures in notes, please view the program help under Pictures in Notes.
Yes, click on the button on the upper left-hand corner of the note to display the Note toolbar. Next, select the Note tab. Lastly, select the Resize Picture button. This will put the picture into resize mode. Drag the handles placed around the edge of the picture to resize. To exit the resize mode, click the Resize Picture button on the Note toolbar.
Alternatively, enter the resize mode by right-clicking on the picture. From the pop-up menu select Resize. To exit the resize mode, right-click on the picture and select Resize again.
Yes, click on the button on the upper left-hand corner of the note to display the Note toolbar. Next, select the Note tab. Lastly, select the Crop Picture button. This will put the picture into crop mode. Drag the handles placed around the edge of the picture to resize. To exit the crop mode, click the Crop Picture button on the Note toolbar.
Alternatively, enter the crop mode by right-clicking on the picture. From the pop-up menu select Crop. To exit the crop mode, right-click on the picture and select Crop again.
Yes, click on the button on the upper left-hand corner of the note to display the Note toolbar. Next, select the Note tab and then select the Rotate Picture button. From the pop-up menu, select the direction to rotate your picture.
Alternatively, right-click on the picture. From the pop-up menu select Rotate and then the direction to rotate your picture
Yes. Right-click on the tab or corkboard and select Hide Tab from the pop-up menu. To restore the tab, right-click on the corkboard and select Show Tab from the pop-up menu.
Go to the Subscription tab on the Preferences dialog. Select the site that you are curious about and click on the Subscription Info button. The Check for notes now button will attempt to get you a note; if the server is not available, you will get an error message.
Click on the Desktop Dispenser button and choose Tools. On the pop-up menu, choose Preferences... then select the Subscription tab. Highlight the subscription website you would like to remove and click on the Remove Subscription button.
If you use a proxy server for Internet access, you must enter the address and port of the server in the Subscription tab on the Preferences dialog. (If your default browser is Internet Explorer, select Always use proxy settings from Internet Explorer. In most cases this will provide the correct settings.) Verify that you are correctly configured by clicking on the Test Settings button. Consult with your network administrator for the correct settings.
Currently, only one image can be created on a Bookmark Note.
Post-it® Digital Notes supports many Internet based image formats. If you find an image that is not supported, please send us a link to the page and a description of which image is not being displayed and we will address the issue in a future release.
The Bookmark feature is supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer and Firefox internet browsers.
This message can be disabled from within Internet Explorer® browser. From the Internet Explore® menu bar, navigate to Tools-->Internet Options-->Security tab. Next, select "Internet" from the list of zones, then click the "Custom level..." button. Scroll down the list to the "Scripting" section and enable the "Allow programmatic clipboard access". Lastly, click the "OK" button to complete the change.
You can contact Post-it® Digital Notes support for further assistance.
Microsoft, Windows Vista, and Internet Explorer are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.
Firefox® is a trademark of Mozilla.