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image to only include 1 letter on each note, scrambled to spell the word ‘Pajamas’.  Twice the learning with “2X the Fun.”

Twice the learning with “2X the Fun”

Looking for a new activity to make distance learning more interactive? Use the Post-it® App, a free educational resource, to help students unscramble two words at a time. Make static lessons dynamic—students will enjoy moving notes around on screen as they strengthen vocabulary and spelling skills.

Invite your students to have “2X the Fun”

Students should always enjoy learning so try this new activity as a clever way to help kids recall vocabulary words from school lessons. Students will learn to spell two words from a jumble of letters using the Post-it® App and Post-it® Super Sticky Notes. Post-it® Super Sticky Notes have 2x the sticking power so they are perfect for educational activities on vertical surfaces.

Try “2X the Fun” to challenge the whole class and easily tailor this educational game for grades 2-10.

  • 1. Kick things off by selecting the pair of words you would like to use and write them on Post-it® Super Sticky Note, 3 in. x 3 in one letter on each note.

    If you want students to unscramble more than one pair of words, use a different color note for each pair. Arrange the notes on the wall. Then open the Post-it® App and tap the + on the main screen. Tap the camera icon on the pop-up menu and take a picture of your notes. Then tap “Create Board.” If you tap on the top of the board over the date, you can rename your Post-it® Board to give students a clue to the vocabulary theme or topic.

    TIP: You can also create digital notes directly in the Post-it® App. Open the App and tap the + on the main screen. Then tap the note icon on the pop-up menu and write one letter on the digital note. You can write on the screen with your finger or type the letter you want to use. You can even choose from a variety of note and pen colors.

    TIP: Tap “Add +” to get a fresh digital note. Write the next letter on that note. Continue adding notes (tapping Add +) to the board until all the letters are there. Tap “Add” in the upper right when finished. Now tap on your collection of notes. You can rename your Post-it® Board by selecting the date at the top of the screen. You can also rename groups by tapping “Group A” and selecting “Rename Group.”

  • 2. Mix up the notes.

    Touch and hold the note you want to move and drag it into a new position on the board. Repeat with additional notes until the board is shuffled.

  • 3. Now share with your students.

    Tap the share button in the upper right of the board screen. If they downloaded the Post-it® App on their phones, iPads® or MacBooks®, you can share the Post-it® Board with them from the Post-it® App. Or you can also export the board into PowerPoint® and email to your virtual group.

  • 4. Let the fun begin as students rearrange the notes on screen in either PowerPoint® or the Post-it® App to help them solve the puzzle.

    Your student can simply tap the share button in the upper right corner of the board screen. Export as a Post-it® Board to share to another student who is also a Post-it App user. Or export into a PowerPoint® to share over email.

  • 5. Each student will solve all the puzzles and share the file back to you with the letter notes in the correct order.

    They can share with you via the Post-it® App or email you the PowerPoint® file.

  • 6. Now it’s time to review their answers!

    If you’re conducting a live learning session, you can review the answers with the class in real-time. This would be a great opportunity to call on students to give definitions of these words.

  • This free educational game is a fun way to test vocabulary and boost spelling skills so students can have 2x the fun.

    Find more activities to help student learning at home or virtual students to succeed at Post-it.com/Study and download the Post-it® App for free.

    Tips for younger students:

    1. Consider using short words or one-word jumbles to make the activity easier.
    2. Encourage students to come up with their own word jumbles that they can share with other classmates.


    Tips for older students:

    1. Set a time limit to make the game more challenging.
    2. Use this exercise to introduce new vocabulary.
    3. Think beyond vocabulary words and make letter jumbles of historical figures, countries, cities, elements of the periodic table, book titles, and more.

    If you want more information about how to use the Post-it® App, visit Post-it.com/App.

    Download for iOS: http://postit.com/app-ios | Download for Android: http://postit.com/app-android

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