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  4. 3 pixel art templates for your school dance
Post-it Pixel Art articles - School Dance Hero

3 pixel art templates for your school dance

Get free Post-it® Super Sticky Note pixel art templates for some of the most popular school dance themes.

  • Streamers. Balloons. Glitter anyone? Decorating for a dance often means turning a ho-hum gym into an epic, selfie-worthy dreamscape. Why not add a unique twist to your decorations by creating some custom pixel art? Not only will it stand out, it’s easy to take down once the party’s over.

    We’ve made free templates for some of the most popular school dance themes, whether they’re about outer space or men in tights. Just pick your template, customize your colors and get going! Make sure you check out our tips below.

  • Downloadable templates

    Post-it Pixel Art Under the Sea Template

  • Post-it Pixel Art Superheroes Template

  • Post-it Pixel Art Space Voyage Template

  • Space Voyage

    Share your creativity by posting your pixel art on social media with the hashtag #Postitart!

    @Postit / #Postit / #Postitart

  • Pro tips for getting started

    1. Opt for Post-it® Super Sticky Notes.
    2. Grab the right colors here.We sell handy dandy single packs of Post-it® Super Sticky Notes in every color of the rainbow.
    3. Each pixel art creation takes about two to five hours, so plan your time accordingly!
    4. Want to be a real pro? Read our full pixel art guide here.

    Go Decorating Committee!

creativity single_color_pack_notes super_sticky_notes mural_art pixel_art education study teachers