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Tanya Thomforde

4 ways motivation boosts wellness

Nutritionist Tanya Thomforde on achieving big goals trhough little reminders

  • From spreading positive vibes, to reducing stress to keeping your goals front and center, we believe the power of motivation is the key to success. When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, even the most type A among us needs positive encouragement to stay on track. To discover just how far the power of motivation can take us toward a healthier lifestyle, we partnered with Tanya Thomforde, a holistic nutritionist to explore the benefits of daily motivational messages. Tanya works at Prescribe Nutrition, a website offering online wellness programs tailored to individual needs.

    Prescribe Nutrition Post-it Notes

  • 1. There’s no care without self-care

    Tanya spends her days helping other people achieve their own wellness goals, so she decided to use this project as an opportunity to focus on how she keeps herself going. “As a health professional we’re so often focused on others,” she said, “this project was a fun way for me to focus on my own wellbeing.” Tanya explained that at Prescribe Nutrition they often talk about the oxygen mask analogy: “You have to put your own oxygen mask on first before you can worry about those around you.” While it’s easy to get lost in her clients’ struggles, she knows that in order to help others, she needs to take care of her own health first.

    Prescribe Nutrition List Note

  • 2. Simple reminders keep you grounded

    Sometimes when life gets busy, we forget to leave room in our schedules to pursue our own goals. “It’s so easy to get caught in the chaos of work and life,” said Tanya. “More than anything, writing down the messages and then seeing them daily kept me grounded and on track.” When we do something as simple as leaving a reminder to take a personal moment to regroup, we are nourishing our potential to function at a higher level.

    Prescribe Nutrition Big Pads

  • 3. Small efforts reap big rewards

    One of the hardest parts about staying motivated is sustaining momentum. “I loved the holistic approach to the motivational messages,” said Tanya, but she was surprised to learn how influential they were over time. “I don’t think I expected the experience to be so impactful,” she said, adding that “all the little reminders added up!” As simple as it sounds, sometimes giving yourself a daily dose of positivity is all you need to stay on track.

    Prescribe Nutrition List Note Workout Reminder

  • 4. Seeing is believing

    Perhaps the most surprising thing Tanya discovered is the power of actually seeing your goals written out. “I learned that having visual reminders in common places around your home really does make a difference,” she said. Although she is an avid note taker, Tanya’s reminders tend to stay covered up in her notebooks, limiting their impact. Her biggest takeaway from the project? “Don’t underestimate the power of writing down reminders and keeping them in visible places.”

    We all know how hard it can be to stay the course, to see a project through to the end despite the inevitable ups and downs. As Tanya said at the end of our chat, “I’ll be keeping my notes more visible from now on.” Post-it® Super Sticky Notes allow us to focus on our goals day by day, helping us literally stick to the plan, no matter what life throws our way.

  • Prescribe Nutrition

    Tanya Thomforde is a nutritionist at Prescribe Nutrition. They are dedicated to helping people achieve their health goals through a holistic approach to wellness using online programs that cater to the unique needs and aspirations of every individual. Check out their website for more information, or follow their Instagram for more scrumptious insights.

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