art, history, grades 1st–8th
2 Packs of 3 x 3 Post-it® Super Sticky Notes
1st - 8th Grade
40 - 60 minutes
Karen Mathey-Skophammer
After selecting a number of famous works, such as those from Van Gogh, Picasso, Rembrandt or O'Keefe, label one color of Post-it® Notes with the artist's name. Next, label a different color of Post-it® Notes with artist's style/time period.
Hang the prints or reproductions of the paintings around the classroom.
Instruct your students to look carefully at the works of art and stick Post-it® Notes on the works as to label them with the correct artist, style and time period it was painted in. Your students may also collaborate or help each other by discussing the different artists, giving consideration to the time periods the artists worked in.
When finished, gather your students to discuss the artists and how many of the works are labeled correctly.