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  4. Express yourself on your mortarboard
Express yourself on your mortarboard

Creative ideas for graduation day

You've worked hard for that diploma – now it's time you had a little fun. Whether it's high school or college graduation, the ceremony can usually do with a little excitement. Although you'll only wear it for a few hours, your mortarboard is your chance to show off your creativity and stand out from the crowd. (Plus, if you decorate it, it's easier to find after you toss it in the air.)

  • If you don't want to go crazy with a hot glue gun, the easiest way to decorate your mortarboard for the ceremony is to cover it in Post-it® Super Sticky Full Adhesive Notes and then get creative with the markers and pens.

    Here's some inspiration for what to say:

  • Make yourself look even smarter with some Latin:

    Make yourself look even smarter with some Latin


  • Say thanks – or just express some relief:

    Say thanks – or just express some relief

  • Get started on the job hunt:

    Get started on the job hunt

  • Or say goodbye:

    Or say goodbye

  • Congratulations to all the grads out there – your creativity is what's going to keep making the world a better place for all of us!

education college creativity graduation high_school inspiration students full_adhesive_notes notes