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  4. The habit countdown calendar
The habit countdown calendar

The habit countdown calendar

Help someone you love stick to a goal

  • They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.

    It doesn’t sound like that much, but it can take a lot of effort and willpower to stay with something for that long – and a little encouragement, every day, can really help. Making a quick Post-it® Note countdown calendar is a way for you to give your friend or family member your support. All it takes is a little time and some Post-it® Notes.

    They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.

  • You'll need 21 - 3" x 3" Post-it® Super Sticky Notes, and 21 - 2" x 2" Post-it® Super Sticky Notes - one of each for each day. On your 2" x 2" notes, you'll write a quote, do a drawing, or just jot down a note of encouragement. Then you'll write the number of the day on the 3" x 3" note and stick it on top of the 2" x 2" note as a cover sheet.

  • For best wall hang, use a smooth, non-textured surface and position the adhesive stripes horizontally. Cleaning and conditioning products may affect adhesion.

  • There are two ways to put your calendar together – you can lay out all 21 days on a piece of cardboard or posterboard, if you’ve got the space. Then, whoever you’ve made the calendar for can look back at each note of encouragement as they count down to day 1.

    Make a quick Post-it® Note countdown calendar Post-it® Habit countdown board with 2"x2" and 3"x3" notes attached.

  • If you don’t have that much space, or want to make your calendar portable, just leave your notes stuck together in their original pad, and write your quotes or make your drawings in order as you count down from 21.

    Make a portable calendar leave your notes stuck together in their original pad, and write your quotes or make your drawings in order as you count down from 21.

  • If you can, get other people to help you – kids, friends, co-workers, extended family – the more people the encouragement comes from, the better. Once you’re done, surprise your loved one with the calendar. Your support could make all the difference.

productivity inspiration ideas encouragement motivation full_adhesive_notes