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How to take notes more efficiently

Note taking tips for productivity

Follow along as Nicholas “The Nerdy Teacher” Provenzano provides ideas and study tips to help students be more productive learners all year long.

  • Taking notes in class can be a blur if there’s tons of information to jot down, so it’s important to have the right tools at hand that allow you to go back later to revisit what you found important. After all, the whole point of writing things down is to remember and retain what you’ve learned, and when you do it right, you’ll get your thoughts down on paper so they’re there when you look back at them. With these tips and Post-it® Products, we’ll help take your note taking to the next level for maximum productivity!

    How to take notes more efficiently - highlight

  • 1. Highlight

    Use the Post-it® Flag Highlighter & Pen to make vocabulary terms stand out. These can sometimes get lost in the page. The terms will show up in an exam or you might need to reference them in a lab report or essay. The highlighter makes it easy to keep important terms front-and-center!

  • 2. Flag key pages

    Use Post-it® Flags on pages that are filled with terms, examples, or other information that you do not want to miss. Letting them hang out of the notebook a bit will allow you quick access to the page when you need it, and their bright colors make sure you won’t miss a thing.

    How to take notes more efficiently - stick notes on your notes

  • 3. Stick notes on your notes

    Use Post-it® Notes Super Sticky Notes 3 in. x 3 in. to add more information to the page without writing over your notes. This is great if you want to add more details or references to the textbook but you ran out of room on the notebook page. The notes stick securely to paper yet remove cleanly, so you won’t lose any important info in your notebook — or damage your textbook!

    By turning these note taking methods into habits, students will be more productive and better prepared for the classroom, along with any exam that might come their way. They’ll see that when it comes to studying, getting it done is energizing, and writing things down is a powerful way to absorb information and boost efficiency. Just remember these 3 tips when studying:

    1. Highlight
    2. Flag key pages
    3. Stick notes on your notes

  • The Nerdy Teacher, Nicholas Provenzano, Google Certified Teacher

    Nicholas “The Nerdy Teacher” Provenzano is a Google for Education Certified Innovator who has earned acclaim for using innovative and collaborative techniques within his classroom. Keep up with his ideas at www.thenerdyteacher.com.

productivity education notes study teachers the_nerdy_teacher highlighter_pen flags