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  4. Peer study ideas: Learning a foreign language
Peer study ideas: Learning a foreign language

Peer study ideas: Learning a foreign language

Languages are designed to be shared — and that applies to learning them too. Here’s a technique to improving your foreign vocabulary with the help of your friends:

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    Gather up a small group of classmates.

    Gather up a small group of classmates.

  • 2

    Discuss particular words/phrases/techniques that you can help each other with.

    Discuss particular words/phrases/techniques that you can help each other with.

  • 3

    Divide up those topics and place each foreign word on a Post-it® Note, along with your native speaking counterpart.

    Divide up those topics and place each foreign word on a Post-it® Study Not

  • 4

    Stick your Post-it® Notes in easy-to-see places like your bedroom walls, bathroom mirrors, etc.

    Stick your Post-it® Study Notes in easy-to-see places like your bedroom walls, bathroom mirrors, etc.

  • 5

    Once you’ve confidently mastered your set, trade them with your peers and prepare to master some new ones.

    Once you’ve confidently mastered your set, trade them with your peers and prepare to master some new ones.

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