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  4. Seeing the bigger data picture with Post-it® Products
Seeing the bigger data picture with Post-it® Products

Seeing the bigger data picture with Post-it® Products

We partnered with Space Camp® in Huntsville, AL to help you discover the big ideas that materialize when you see your world in a bigger way.


    Viewing your scientific results on a larger scale may help shed a new light on your results. Here’s a simple way to do so:

  • 1

    Find some empty wall space, or use Post-it® Super Sticky Dry Erase Surface, in a highly visible location.

  • 2

    Use a Post-it® Full Adhesive Roll to mark the edges of your data chart/table.

    Use a Post-it® Full Adhesive Roll to mark the edges of your data chart/table.

  • 3

    Record each piece of data on a separate sheet of a Post-it® Super Sticky Big Note and place it within your data/chart/table.

    Record each piece of data on a separate sheet of a Post-it® Big Pad

  • 4

    Once all data has been collected, step back and take a look — are new relationships more apparent? Color code any data with a Post-it® Super Sticky Note or Post-it® Flag that warrants further discussion or analysis.

    Once all data has been collected, step back and take a look


  • Space Camp

    Since launching in 1982, Space Camp® at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL has welcomed more than 700,000 young minds from around the globe to participate in its mission to push the boundaries of human exploration. Teamwork, leadership and decision-making are emphasized as students participate in hands-on training and high-fidelity simulations to gain insights and ideas that they’ll use throughout their entire lives. Learn more about Space Camp® here.

study education biology cells science structure student big_notes dry_erase_surface full_adhesive_roll