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  4. Showing employees how much you care
Showing employees how much you care

Showing employees how much you care

  • Managers, the holiday season is the one occasion each year where you and your employees can take some extended time at home to unwind and decompress from the stressors of work. This is the ideal time to thank the people who helped your successes this year and to let them know how important they are to you.

    Taking home a note from their manager leaves employees with positive feelings about themselves, their job and you!

    Taking home a note from their manager leaves employees with positive feelings about themselves, their job and you!

  • Show your appreciation in one of the most meaningful, personal mediums—a handwritten note. Post-it® Lined Notes give you a canvas to write something short but meaningful to stick to the desks of each person on your team.

    Show your appreciation in one of the most meaningful, personal mediums—a handwritten note.

  • Why stop there? Once you realize how effective a simple handwritten note can be, try continuing it throughout the year. Write shorter notes of congratulations for employees when they perform well in a meeting, complete a great project, or shine at any other task. (Hint: Post-it® Notes come in a smaller, lined sizes, too.)

connections work work_places handwriting lined_notes notes