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  4. How To: Spiral Paper Roses
How To: Spiral Paper Roses

How To: Spiral Paper Roses

Here’s another part of our paper wedding bouquet! They mix great with our Simple Pin Blossoms. Are you ready?

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    Trace That Line!

    Print out this flower template (PDF, 123 KB), then cut out the flower and leaf patterns.

    Trace That Line!

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    We’ve Run the Numbers

    Trace the pattern onto your favorite color Post-it® Notes and cut them out. Trace 40 petals for the large rose, 35 petals for the medium, and 30 for the small. On the leaf-colored paper, trace 2-3 leaves per flower.

    Pro tip: Position the paper so the V shape of the petal sits on the sticky part of the Post-it® Note. This will be helpful later!

    We’ve Run the Numbers

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    Wrap the petals around a pencil (or roll them with your fingers) so they all curl cynlindrically.


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    Petal Wrap

    Take a 6-10 inch wire, and wrap a petal around it (V side down), tight enough so that the wire doesn’t show. Secure the petal with hot glue.

    Petal Wrap

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    Petal Harder

    Take another petal and wrap it a little looser than the first one around the stem (again, V side down). Secure with hot glue. Keep adding petals!
    Pro tip: Move downward and distribute evenly around the rose when adding petals.

    Petal Harder

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    Leaf It

    Once your blossom is set, glue or tape the leaf cutouts onto the blossom stem. You can give them a natural curl by wrapping them around a pencil.

    Leaf It

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    Stem It

    Finish up by wrapping the wire with Scotch® Masking Tape first then covering it with green floral tape. Wrap carefully around the leaves!

    Stem It

    Clap. Clap. Clap. That is truly a magnificent rose.

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