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  4. Increase your odds of productivity with the 1-3-5 rule
Do more with the 1-3-5 Rule

Prioritize and complete tasks using the 1-3-5 rule

Increase your odds of productivity with the 1-3-5 rule

  • Keeping your eye on the small details and the big picture can be a challenge. Use the 1-3-5 rule to tackle jobs both big and small.

    Not all tasks on your to-do list are created equal — there’s a big difference between “build a greenhouse” and “organize seed packets.” If you have trouble focusing on bigger and smaller tasks throughout the day, the 1-3-5 rule can get you in the habit of accomplishing more.

  • Easy as 1-3-5

    Here’s how to implement the I-3-5 rule in your life:

    • Rank your tasks. Take a look at your to-do list and label tasks as small, medium, or large. A small task might be washing dishes after dinner, while a large task might be preparing your garden for spring.
    • Apply the rule. On any given day, plan to accomplish one large task, three medium tasks and five small tasks. Make your list on a Post-it® Super Sticky Lined Notes, 4 in. x 6 in. or Post-it® Super Sticky Dry Erase Surface. Since you can stick your list wherever you’re most likely to see it, it’ll help you stay focused on your nine items. It’ll also keep you from getting overwhelmed by what might lurk on older lists.
    • Be flexible (within reason). Your to-do list is a living object. That means the scope of your tasks can increase (washing dishes after a big dinner party) or decrease (deciding to grow a few potted herbs instead of a full garden). It’s fine to rethink a task’s importance, but don’t try to fit more than nine tasks into a day or tackle several large tasks.
  • Size matters

    The 1-3-5 rule recognizes the importance of having a balanced to-do list. Each kind of task brings something different to the table:

    • Small tasks give you easy wins, boosting your motivation to do even more.
    • Medium tasks are often workhorse activities that keep larger projects moving forward.
    • Completing large tasks gives you a huge sense of accomplishment. It also builds confidence by showing just how much you can get done in a day.

    Whatever the size of the task, it’s the prioritization that’s key to success with this list style.

    When you can only choose from what’s important, you’ll always get the important things done. Utilizing the 1-3-5 rule with Post-it® Products can help organize the busy swirl of life so you end each day with your to-do list done.

productivity lined_notes dry_erase_surface organization to_do_list list-making priotritize