Post-it® Study Parents

Post-it® Study

Helping students tackle complex topics through easy-to-use tools


    There's power in writing things down - especially when it comes to tackling complicated subjects. That's why Post-it® Brand has a variety of intuitive, visual products that help keep your student focused on the task at hand.

  • Visual Language

    For generations, Post-it® Products have provided a simple, bold visual language that can be used nearly anywhere.

  • Collaborate

    Share your thoughts or build on the ideas of others. Our products make it easy for teams of all sizes take their thinking to another level.

  • Organize

    Keep track of your what-to-dos and study essentials with Post-it® Flags, Page Markers and other Post-it® products.


    See how acclaimed educator Nick “The Nerdy Teacher” Provenzano uses Post-it® Products to modernize education while helping hungry minds thrive.

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  • a star drawn in white crayon on a yellow background
    a star drawn in white crayon on a yellow background
  • two curved arrows pointing towards each other drawn in white crayon on an orange background
    two curved arrows pointing towards each other drawn in white crayon on an orange background
  • a check mark drawn in white crayon on a purple background
    a check mark drawn in white crayon on a purple background
  • radiating lines drawn in a circle in white crayon on a light blue background
    radiating lines drawn in a circle in white crayon on a light blue background
  • an apple drawn in white crayon on a red background
    an apple drawn in white crayon on a red background
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    An internationally renowned educator, Dr. Michelle Borba provides ideas and insights to help students succeed across their academic endeavors.

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  • a star drawn in white crayon on a yellow background
    a star drawn in white crayon on a yellow background
  • two curved arrows pointing towards each other drawn in white crayon on an orange background
    two curved arrows pointing towards each other drawn in white crayon on an orange background
  • a check mark drawn in white crayon on a purple background
    a check mark drawn in white crayon on a purple background
  • radiating lines drawn in a circle in white crayon on a light blue background
    radiating lines drawn in a circle in white crayon on a light blue background
  • an apple drawn in white crayon on a red background
    an apple drawn in white crayon on a red background
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